A Tribute to Men. Be Strong.

Men. I had this on my mind to write in June after Fathers Day. Please accept my apologies for the lateness of my thoughts. Better late than never though, right? As I ponder this celebrated day of man, I look at my Father and all the men that have been an influence in my life. We need you. Let me say this loud and clear. We need men! You may think, You of all people, a strong independent woman are saying this? Why, yes. Yes I am and I am certain mountains of other women would gather behind me in this effort. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be the first to say I am an independent woman. A stubborn one at best that has the wherewithal to forge through just about anything by myself. However, that doesn’t mean I am lumped in the category of bashing man. Far from it.

My strong father, caring and loving uncles, my former father in law and friends made me the woman I am today. I thank you dad and all the men in my life with the bottom of my heart for being who you are and loving me.

I understand some people have had a bad childhood or experience with men in their lives. I am utterly and truly sorry for that. We are to look to men for manliness, strength, endurance, provision and guidance. Rocks to lean on in times of need. Our firm foundation in life and in our homes. Supporters of our careers and ambitions. They love us unconditionally and are prayer warriors for my children.  Lest we forget, God created man in His Image! As we look to the Bible for men’s defined role we see Jesus says man is to be the strength and leader but also to lay down his life for his family as Jesus did for the church. The people. ALL people. Men are to strive be as Jesus is to His people. A Rock, our Family Foundation; our Provider, our Strength, our Peace in the midst of a storm, a powerful Leader yet Servant-like for his family just as Jesus is. On a side note, women, chill out for a moment. That doesn’t mean men are superior over us, better than us, or are to rule with an iron fist or that we can’t be leaders as women. We all have our roles that are equal but different. Jesus never said we are beneath or lower or are to be abused. We are His daughters in Christ. That topic is a whole other subject to write later.

As I look at the world around us today, all the culture changes, social media and marketing propaganda, men are being attacked at the core. We have to rise up and fight. Men, we know you need us now more than ever to be your encouragers, cheerleaders in this fight against your manly existence.

What I’m trying to say is we need men to be men. We need your wisdom, strength, power, provision; care, love, guidance and support. I’m boldly saying men be men! Strong and courageous in this world that is trying to take you down. Rise up and be strong for all of mankind. Sure, we complain about your Neanderthal habits, occasional uncleanliness, your need to be naked, and dirty socks on the floor, but we are still your biggest fans. Without you we are well, just women. It is you that make us who we are meant to be. You need us. We need you. I Thank you Dad for being a Man’s Man. I love you for everything you are. Go forth, men, and be Men.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. (1 Corinthians 16:13 ESV)

I Timothy 6:11-12 11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.